Detailed Use Cases for First Iteration Assignment

Table of Contents

1 About This Sprint

This sprint introduces UML use cases and UML use case diagrams as a means of putting requirements into a context and understanding the interactions between users and the system.

In this sprint you go deeper and describe the use cases for your first iteration in detail.

2 User Stories covered in this Sprint

  • As a software designer I want to document what the customer is telling me so that I can discuss my understanding of their requirements with them.
  • As a software designer I want to document what the customer is telling me so that I can easily continue designing based on a joint understanding.
  • As a software designer I want to be able to reuse common procedures between my use cases so that I only have to maintain them in one place.
  • As a project manager I need to decide what to focus on building right now so that I best satisfy all customers’ expectations.
  • As a product manager I want to make sure that we are building software of high quality.
  • As a student I want to have a clear overview of what I am supposed to work on so that I am able to focus on what is important.
  • As a teacher I want to evaluate the students’ ability to express system interactions in terms of UML use cases so that I know they understand how actors interact with a system to together complete a usage scenario.

3 Learning Material

4 Experiential Learning

4.1 Assignment: Detailed Use Cases for First Iteration

Describe in detail the use cases that you are focusing on in the first iteration.


  1. Extend the use case descriptions for the use cases in your first iteration in your Implementation Plan so that they also contain the following attributes:
    • Preconditions
    • Main Course of Events (or Main Success Scenario)
    • Alternative Flow of Events (or Extensions)
    • Special Requirements (For example Performance, Reliability, Modifiability, etc.)

Document Structure:

The title for this Assignment Document is: Detailed Use Cases (Iteration 1) for System <system name>


The assignment document shall contain the following items:

  1. Title Page, according to the Title Page Instructions (Link)
  2. System Description

    A brief description (2-3 paragraphs) of your interpretation of what the goal of the system is.

  1. Detailed Use Cases

    List your detailed use cases here.

Commit and push this document to your project repository.

Conditions of Satisfaction:

When marking this part of the assignment we are looking for the following:

  1. Does the title page contain a table with authors and author contribution
  2. Size of assignment: Are all use cases in the first iteration from the Implementation Plan described?
  3. Are the preconditions relevant?
  4. Is it a reasonable main course of events?
  5. Does the main course of events end successfully?
  6. Does the alternative flow of events cover the obvious ways in which the use case can fail or take an alternate route?

4.2 Update Course Backlog

How do you design a system from your use cases? What should you look for when you are trying to understand the structure of your system? What about the behaviour of the system?

Are there any other questions that you want answered? Add them, along with a brief strategy for how to find an answer.

5 Sprint Acceptance Tests

You are done with this sprint when:

  • You have created a “Detailed Use Cases for First Iteration” document
  • You have committed/pushed these documents to your project repository

You may also have

  • Updated your Sprint Test Plan
  • Updated your Course Backlog

Author: Mikael Svahnberg


Created: 2018-03-02 Fri 08:10
