Release Sprint: User Stories and Use Case Diagrams

Table of Contents

1 About this Sprint

This is a release sprint. This means that you package things that you have done in other sprints in order to create a release (an assignment delivery). You are expected to integrate what you have learnt previously and test/evaluate your release candidate to maximise your potential for passing the assignment.

This release sprint also serves as a checkpoint to make sure that you are reasonably well underway in the course, and that you are on the right track. Any feedback received on this assignment should be used to adjust your plans for the remaining releases to make sure you deliver the right thing at the right time.

2 User Stories covered in this Sprint

  • As a teacher I want to evaulate the students’ ability to write well-formed user stories for a system so that I know that they fulfil the course goals concerning requirements engineering.
  • As a teacher I want to evaulate the students’ ability to write well-formed UML Use Cases for a system so that I know that they fulfil the course goals concerning requirements engineering.

3 Course Goals covered in this Sprint

  • på en grundläggande nivå i grupp kunna ta fram krav på en programvara och uttrycka dem i en kravspecifikation
  • i grupp producera en översiktlig utvecklingsprojektplan baserat på en kravspecifikation

4 Introduction

In this release sprint you show what you have done with respect to requirements analysis and object oriented analysis.

This follows two tracks; user stories, and use cases. Note that you are expected to map between them.


Clarification for the user stories With Epics I mean the most high level things that one might be expected to do towards the system. For example, in a game the epics might be to play the game, configure character, and interact with other players (suitably written up as proper user stories, of course). These high level epics may very well be broken down into other epics – equally big, but on a lower level. For example, one might “interact with game objects”. This is still too fuzzy to know how to implement it, so it is an epic, but it is still on a lower level than the “play game” epic.

You then break down the epics into user stories, and now you have a big bag full of both epics and user stories. These are prioritised together. This means that you may get any order in the final prioritised list.


Thus, in Section 3 of your document, you describe only the epics, and in section 4 you present your entire list of prioritised epics and user stories. Please note that in order to be able to follow your reasoning, I would expect you to have links from the user stories back to the epic to which they “belong”. Also, remember that you are only expected to do this for your three most important epics.

5 Learning Material

6 Experiential Learning

6.1 Assignment Submission

Submit the assignment as one or several PDFs on It’s Learning.

Your submission shall include the following documents:

7 Sprint Acceptance Tests

You are done with this sprint when:

  • checked.png You have submitted the documents for marking.
  • checked.png You have received a passing grade from the teacher.

You may be asked to complement your submission with additional information.

You may also have:

  • Updated your Sprint Test Plan
  • Updated your Course Backlog

Author: Mikael Svahnberg


Created: 2018-01-26 Fri 10:47
